"thank God for TiVo"

Monday, August 09, 2004, at 12:08PM

By Eric Richardson

Oon account of a free magazine I had a subscriptions to I get some random email that's not quite spam, but that I usually don't read. Today, though, I happened to scan one and this caught my eye:

Brian Teasley, a percussionist in the two-dozen-plus-member band The Polyphonic Spree, caused a ruccous last week at Dallas Fort Worth-International Airport, when a custom-built microphone in his luggage shut down five gates due to terroism suspicions.

Read the whole article here at ProSoundNews. The best line:

"I told them we had just used it when we were on Craig Kilborn's show. I still had it on my TiVo, so I was like, 'Come watch it with me.' After they figured out I was telling the truth, they were pretty cool. I was talking to them about music. But thank God for TiVo."