626, 727, hike

Thursday, November 11, 2004, at 01:14PM

By Eric Richardson

Can I just say now that for how creative they're all supposed to be, some of the gallery people around me are getting pretty lazy with their naming schemes. Across the street from me and appearing out of the blue Tuesday is 626 Gallery (ok, they probably didn't show up out of the blue, but I left for school Tuesday morning and when I got back there was a gallery there). One block down is Gallery 727.

I understand how to read your address, ok? Put a little more work into it.

In class today we watched the short 'George Lucas in Love' (google for it, you'll find a copy somewhere). Take the title jabs there and insert them here.

In related news, Downtown Art Walk is right now. I think I might cruise the neighborhood for a little bit and get baffled some more by the art scene. I'm telling you, I don't fit in at galleries.