Archives for December 1999

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muah haha

Ok, this is the last IM bot post for now. Things are finally up and running. If you're bored, send an instant message to the screenname 'hoserAIMa'. That's the bot. It'll talk to you. It has three modes right now, modes switch every 20 seconds.

more on the IM bot

(just a cool note... I'm writing this from the M12 release of Mozilla). Anyway, I've got the IM bot a lot closer. — Continue Reading...

IM bot

I've spent most of the day today working on writing a multi-threaded IM bot in Perl. I've got everything SO close, but I've been stuck on one little detail for the last couple hours... — Continue Reading...


I rewrote a lot of the content on the site today. In particular: the about page, the whole favorites section, and the music page. — Continue Reading...

on relationships and the Dawson's Creek effect

I don't really plan for this to make much sense, but I've been pondering it some lately and it seems half-way sensible. As such, I'll post it. Don't expect a fully developed essay, though... This is more like a collection of thoughts. — Continue Reading...


There are 3 reasons you would click to see the rest of this post. 1) You've never seen me in a suit. 2) You want to see Betsy. 3) You're infinitely bored and somewhat psychologically challenged. — Continue Reading...

four more days until christmas break

We've got four more days of school, and then it's off to Christmas break. All I can say is: it's about time. I've been playing constant catch-up all year, and I'm really, really ready to get a real break.


You know what really annoys me? — Continue Reading...

another look

The orange was getting to me. This look's not quite done yet (i'm going to put a nav bar on the top above "world"), but it was close enough that i thought i would throw it up here.


This story shows how saddly muddled trademark law on the internet is right now. It's just flat out wrong that eToys can get eToy shut down. Woo hoo, so you've got dumb customers who mis-type the domain name. That means you get the right to shut down a site which had been operating for years before your site was even a little idea growing in the mind of some young businessman just out of school? Only in our corporate world...