eThreads post modification

Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 09:28AM

By Eric Richardson

You would think that fixing the post modification code in #{node "7"}eThreads#{/node} would be a really easy thing. I mean, after all, how can post modification be any different than posting? I wish...

So I was tired of weblog post modification not working (and having no good way to fix my typos), so I figured oh, yeah, I'll just go fix it. Easy enough until you decide to do it right. You see, the eThreads post code contains lots of fun stuff like restricted word lists and post scores that determine status. The post routine goes from line 862 to line 1038. And it's no pansy HTML-infested bit of cruft, either... That's almost 200 lines of solid code. A lot of the same code could transfer to post modification, but not all of it, and not all of it would work exactly the same.

So now my choices are 1) duplicate a bunch of code re-writing the modify_post cruft, 2) figure out how to jam modification allowances into the post routine, or 3) modularize post enough to build both routines out of the same blocks.

Fun fun fun.