finding eWorld

Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 08:12PM

By Eric Richardson

It's funny how many people have lately been getting to the site via searches for student council speeches. In fact, my student council speech is the number one result for the 'student council speech' query on Google. I think there's a fairly good chance I'll be ripped off by someone... People also found eWorld by way of looking for homecoming queens, and my favorite, searching for intercourse. Many variations off that one... Click to get a full listing of Google searches that people used to find me...

(This was a full list, but towards the end I got lazy, and only added different or interesting ones)

2000 olympic gymnists

information on intercourse

eworld screenshots (3)

eworld movies

North Muskegon High

eric richardson (14)

eworld (10)

elian gonzalez

student council speeches (75+ (tired of counting))


imagemagick dropshadow

webcam person live

can't coerce array into hash (10)

enlightenment windowmaker dock apps always on top
digital blasphemy

umm yeah

irreparable damage due to invasion of privacy

privacy in the information age (4)

eterms for linux

swatch screenshot linux

xinerama screenshot


rita lynch

variety to perform intercourse

thoughts on my school

what happen to eworld

linux pictures backgrounds

North Muskegon

qnx screenshots

irix screenshot

I hate Biola
intercourse (2)

gnome ripple


intercourse photographs

background ripple for linux

etherape great

picture of someone sitting at desk

efm screenshot

racism as a theme in the Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness and women

beth dykema

verbal intercourse

Most people who give speeches like this tend to come up here and rave about their qualifications for the position

ericson t39 t28

lyx redhat 7.1

redhat 7.1 ipchains slow

moving to california coast scary dealing with

intercourse skill

classes on intercourse