Intershop GAR
Monday, April 01, 2002, at 10:35AM
By Eric Richardson
Have I ever mentioned that I hate Intershop? I really do. For instance, right now I'm trying to set a currency based on the customer's country in a credit card data template. Simple enough of a request, but Intershop decides to make this hard. First of all, customer country isn't one of the variables they decide to define in this template. And in Intershop's favorite model -- everything's customizable except what you want to change -- these are hard-coded. Ok, no big deal, I'll look up the country based on order number. No. The order number isn't a normal TLE (variable), it's a piece of loop data, which means I have to keep count of loop positions and do a GetTLELoopData. Woo hoo! Stupid Intershop. Intershop must die.