excuse me, Mr. Cube
Tuesday, April 13, 2004, at 11:43AM
By Eric Richardson
When talking about someone in a paper, normally you would introduce their full name and then use only their last name in subsequent mentions. What do you do when talking about Ice Cube?
"The role played by Cube is..."
Heh. That reminds me of a Simpsons quote, from last season. Flanders pictures himself in Hollywood, where he's standing along Hollywood Blvd. A man walks up...
Ned, I'm James L. Brooks.
Oh, can I call you Jim?
James L. Brooks is good.
Ah, Simpsons. In other news, my collection is now up to 321 episodes as I fill in early seasons I had neglected before. I think that just leaves me 10 or so short of having them all.