Photographing the Arroyo Seco Bike Path
Tuesday, May 10, 2005, at 07:11AM
By Eric Richardson

Yesterday, riding home from work, I took it a little slower and stopped to take pictures on the Arroyo Seco Bike Path. When I first wanted to ride the path I had no idea where exactly it started or ended, and even when I found it a lack of marking made me unsure I was in the right place. Hopefully someone in my situation will see these pictures and have a littler clearer idea what they're looking for.
The path starts (on the north) back behind a park (Arroyo Seco Park?) off Marmion Way just east of the river and the 110. It ends in Ernest E Debs Park. There's one other access point in the middle. Nothing's marked, so just look for a ramp down into the riverbed.