Bike Summer Kickoff
Monday, June 06, 2005, at 04:30AM
By Eric Richardson

Friday was the kick-off event for Bike Summer 2005, a month-long series of bike events that is in LA this year. The kick-off party (there are some pictures available from that link) was in Santa Monica, so I met up with the group starting off from the Wilshire/Western Red Line station. We started off with around 25 or so cyclists, and then took a pit stop at Venice and La Cienega to let another group meet up with us (which is where this picture of me and Dave got taken. By the time we got to Santa Monica our group probably had sixty or seventy people in it.
Saturday morning I took the short three mile ride up to the Edendale library for the Town Crier Competition and found out my legs were pretty much dead. Yesterday and today are biking off-days for me, so hopefully they'll be back in shape for my commute ride tomorrow.