Ghetto Drafting

Monday evening I got a great draft on my way to USC. I was on the bike, headed down Flower, when I pulled in behind an older Cadillac convertible fully lifted on hydraulics, with a big gold pop-up behind the seats that said "Ghetto Life". I tailed him from (I think) Washington to Jefferson. We weren't flying, but thanks to him I got a comfortable cruise at 27 - 28mph. The lift kept him from coming off the line too fast, so I got to stay on him even after having to stop at the light at Adams. I gave him a nod as I peeled off at Jefferson.

The Quandry of Rain

I hate waking up to rain. Not so much because I have anything against the rain, per se, but because it changes up my transportation choices. Today is a class day for me, which means heading the 3.3 miles or so to USC. I don't particularly care about getting wet during the 15 minutes I'm on the bike -- heck, I get sweaty on good days -- but there's no way I'm letting my bike sit uncovered on campus for several hours in even scattered showers.

And that led me to the question: what would a professor do if I brought my bike into class? At least for this first class the room in question is plenty big. I could stash it on a wall without getting in anyone's way.

I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to bring a lock, so either the bike stays or I go.

Update (4pm): I did indeed ride and take the bike into class. No real problems, but I learned some things I'll share after the jump... — Continue Reading...

XBMC Rocks My World

I upgraded my installation of XBox Media Center yesterday, and all I can say is Wow. I've had XBMC (or originally XBMP) installed for quite a while now, hadn't updated my installation since early in the year. To say that they've polished is understatement.

I should probably back up, though, for those of you I confused with that first paragraph. XBOX Media Center is a piece of unauthorized software (Microsoft won't sign it and make it an official app) that runs on the XBox and allows you to play media both local and over the network.

For instance, in my apartment I have a server with 19GB of audio and 117GB of video on it. That video includes 34GB of Simpsons, 6.4GB of Coupling, and 4.5GB of the new Dr. Who (and obviously a good bit of other stuff). That server sits in the living room ceiling and I can play video or audio from it on any computer in the apartment. With XBox Media Center that statement includes the XBox, and by extension the television.

The new XBox Media Center plays audio and video in pretty much any codec, DVDs, Shoutcast internet radio stations, and can even download and play movie trailers from Apple. It'll also show me a weather forecast if I feel like asking it. And it does it all in a slick interface. Simply amazing.

Fun With Accidents

So the MTA's new Orange Line busway is having a problem with cars. The LA Times today reports that there were two collisions yesterday. The MTA's response: slow down the buses.

Yaroslavsky realized this after witnessing several near-misses. On Wednesday morning, after hearing of the first accident of the day, he suggested that MTA chief Roger Snoble slow down the buses. After the second accident, Snoble imposed a bus speed limit of 10 mph at intersections.

But I fail to see how that's going to do anything.

The more serious collision Wednesday occurred shortly after 2 p.m., at Woodman Avenue and Oxnard Street in Valley Glen. A 78-year-old woman driving south on Woodman -- who, witnesses told police, was talking on a cellphone -- ran a red light and crashed into the midsection of a bus, spun around and struck the bus again.

If anything the bus needs to speed up so it has less time in the intersection and less opportunity for dumb valley drivers to hit it. I mean come on, she hit the midsection of a 60-foot bus. We welcome Houston drivers to the valley.

No Laptop; No Notes

From an announcement for the class I'm in right now (it hasn't started yet):

With respect for your fellow students, laptop computers may not be used during the discussion portion of the class. In addition there will be no talking during the discussion, except for those who are participating in the discussion. If you need to discuss an issue with a friend please do so outside of the classroom.

Dumbest policy ever. If I can't use a laptop I promise I'm not taking notes.

Update (8pm): Let me just update this to clarify that my annoyance is largely built on the midterm for this class, which of any exam I've taken in my nine semesters here was the most anal about the process of taking a test. Bags on the sides of the room; have to show your ID when you turn in the test; emphasis placed on there being cameras in the room to catch any cheating. That was dumb.

Yes, people should be quiet and respect the class. But don't go turn people off to the class by making up overbearing rules. Just punish those who don't act properly.