Done and Done

So to celebrate finishing up for the summer yesterday I... went to the grocery store. I hadn't been there in a while, and had been doing way too much eating out. The complete barrenness of my cupboards was reflected in the total cost: $130. Vons claims that without the club card it would have been almost $200. In any case, I now have food. This morning I ate Crackling Oat Bran, which I swear I haven't had in over a decade.

Von's also had New York strip for $3.99/lb, so I now have some steaks to be grilling up on the roof.

Only A Little Over Six Hours

In only a little over six hours I'll be done with my two remaining finals, ready or not (and the answer is most likely not).

First up, at 11am, is my class on Public Service in an Urban Setting. I get to answer questions about different motivation theories that cause people to volunteer, and what the role of volunteers is in the community.

Second, at 2pm, is Earthquakes. It's mostly multiple choice, which is good for my process-of-elimination brain.

And then, by 3:30 or so I'm done... for the summer. But that's beyond the scope of what I care about right now.


I've been quiet around here over the last few days for a reason. It's finals time. One tomorrow, one Wednesday, two Thursday, and then I'm done for the summer. I'm ready (for it to be over, not for the finals).

(Errr... I guess "tomorrow" is today.)

It'll Never Be Done

Six years ago today I was working on eThreads. What am I doing six years later? Working on eThreads. Today I merged some changes from my CGI tree into the mod_perl mainline and wrote a plugin to add an http:// when people forget to include it in the URL they give with their comments. Someday soon I really do need to get around to polishing this stuff up and doing some sort of a release. The eThreads site is a little bare right now.

Write Write Right

It's funny to me how sometimes I'm really good at writing papers, and sometimes I'm, well, not. I'm up now working on a paper that I've been "working" on all day. But it's 1am and it's really not close to being done. It's not even a hard paper; I'm just having a hard time getting words down onto the page.

I've gotten a couple pages written in the last hour or so, but it would really help me out if all of a sudden a few more would just appear out of nowhere. It's not like I haven't written papers quickly before.