FishBowlLA Bored with Media, Picks on Me

I just noticed in the referer logs that the site FishBowlLA had done a bit on my coverage of the April Art Walk. I assume that I'm supposed to take it to be making fun of my lack of art jargon describing the walk. Of course they start by just getting the site url wrong (, thank you), so maybe I'm reading more into it than there really is. I'm perfectly fine with the fact that I know nothing about art. Pre-LA, none of the places in which I've lived have ever have anything more than a Thomas Kinkade shop.

But if you're going to do the "gossip blog" take on LA media, pick on bad writing in something a little more prestigious than a little blog.

At least do what I do, and pick on one that's about trying to make money.

Flexcar: Rate Changes

I got my March Flexcar bill in the mail a few days ago, and noticed that it came with a sheet titled "Important Notice to Flexcar Members." The annual membership fee is going up $5, mileage charges are going away, and the Advantage plan rates are changing. The flyer doesn't specify, but I would assume these changes are specific to the Los Angeles market (at least the plans... the annual fee might be system-wide). Taken together, the changes make me wonder if Flexcar is altering its focus away from short mid-day trips. — Continue Reading...

flickr pro

I signed up for flickr pro today. That got me thinking that even though I've loved flickr, I've never really explored it all. There's some cool stuff there. I'd never used the organizer, and I'd also never seen the calendar of photos by date taken. I also set up my first set, with the seven pictures I took at Art Walk last night.

A Question

Question: Is it possible to write ten pages off of this thesis?

The characterization of societal power structures in the film The Muppets Take Manhattan serves to underline the importance of equity and diversity.

We'll find out soon. The paper's due in three hours. I'm halfway into page four.

Update (Saturday): The answer, I guess, is that you can at least write nine. The resultis now up in verbal intercourse: "Being Green in the Big City" (PDF Version).

LAist: Welcome to Last Fall

LAist today gives us this great observation:

We saw this billboard on Vine at Selma. Is it still up?

Nevada sure isn't pulling its punches as it lures business away from our sorry state.

Is Nevada's message accurate?

"They" include what is a good picture of the Nevada "terminated" billboards, so I'll give credit there. But, uhh... Those billboards have been running since October of last year. For instance, here's a picture I took on October 15th, 2004, just a few miles from my apartment. I thought the point of blogs was to be current. Perhaps the post just got caught at the editor's desk.

Too bad they couldn't add any insight to the "sorry state" bit. I happen to think that the small business tax reform passed in LA recently might improve the business climate, but I don't know if that makes the state's message accurate or not.