Note to Self

Note: It's not a good idea to connect a fan into a floppy drive power plug and then let the two wires touch each other.

It will spark, and the computer will shut off.

On the plus side, I now have a fan running air over my new drive.

More Fun With Computers

My mouse randomly stopped working tonight. It's a wireless Microsoft Intellimouse, and all of a sudden it just stopped. I figured I had done something wrong, so I rebooted, but still nothing. I went to the living room and grabbed an old SGI mouse to confirm that it was indeed the mouse and not something on the computer side. I think it could just be dead batteries, though. It still glows, but it doesn't change intensity when you pick it up and set it down. I'll have to pick up some new batteries tomorrow to test out that theory.

I used the downtime to install a new hard drive I picked up the other day. It's a 250gig drive intended to serve as a backup for the media server in the living room. Having 112gig of unbackedup content out there was starting to make me nervous. I'm manually running a sync right now, then I'll need to set up an rsync on a cron job or something like that. I also need to start backing some data from this machine up over to that one (plus another drive on here) to make sure I have all of my bases covered -- at least in house. Offsite backups are more than I have a plan for right now.

Bike Summer Kickoff

Friday was the kick-off event for Bike Summer 2005, a month-long series of bike events that is in LA this year. The kick-off party (there are some pictures available from that link) was in Santa Monica, so I met up with the group starting off from the Wilshire/Western Red Line station. We started off with around 25 or so cyclists, and then took a pit stop at Venice and La Cienega to let another group meet up with us (which is where this picture of me and Dave got taken. By the time we got to Santa Monica our group probably had sixty or seventy people in it.

Saturday morning I took the short three mile ride up to the Edendale library for the Town Crier Competition and found out my legs were pretty much dead. Yesterday and today are biking off-days for me, so hopefully they'll be back in shape for my commute ride tomorrow.

Tired, and it's only 5pm

I swear I've been going for two days straight. Lots to write about, but no time to do it right now. I came home just a little while ago, sat down at the computer, and realized that I could easily fall asleep in my chair. No time for that either, though; I'm out the door again in forty-five minutes or so. When I get back here after dinner I think I'm going straight to sleep.

Conserve By Bicycling

I missed this when the resolution was first made, but a few weeks ago Tom LaBonge proposed a resolution in support of a proposed federal Conserve by Bicycling program. The CLA's report in favor has just come back, so now hopefully this will go through committee and back to the Council to be added to the City's Legislative Program.