Tough Times for the Blue Line
March 25, 2005 by Eric Richardson
The Blue Line's had a bad run over the past few days. First catenary troubles suspend operation Wednesday and then about twenty-four hours later service is again interrupted when a Sherriff's deputy and a robbery suspect are both wounded in a shooting. Interesting about the second story is the fact that deputies were even on the train.
I think I'm going to have to join others who are beginning to complain that these deputies are rarely around. Wednesday night around midnight I walked over to the Pershing Square Red Line station and then took the Gold Line up to Pasadena. The only time I saw deputies was when I saw a group of four of them relaxing on a southbound train. Many days I never see them. — Continue Reading...
A Busy Life
March 23, 2005 by Eric Richardson
Here's a little taste of what my schedule often looks like: Tomorrow morning I wake up, take a trip down to USC to attend a 10am class and take a midterm in another class at 12:30. That midterm's scheduled to go until 2pm, but I can't stay that long. I've got to be in and out in an hour to make my way up to North Hollywood to attend a 2pm meeting. I was planning to attend a CCA event at lunch, but had to change those plans once I realized I had a midterm.
I know that ostensibly I'm supposed to be a college student right now, but it's hard to keep that as priority one these days.
Photos Photos Everywhere
March 23, 2005 by Eric Richardson
I really like the current, especially the header that rotates in random LA snapshots from the Metroblogging LA flickr pool. With my last look I wanted to do a similar thing with changing the out-the-window picture to show current conditions. The idea is a lot simpler and cleaner, though, and works well.
What I wanted to point out, though, is that in the current masthead (linked above so it doesn't change on me) seven of the fifteen pictures are ones I've taken. My pictures are the fourth, fifth, nineth, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth. And yet if you look at the Metroblogging pool I've only submitted twenty-five pictures (of 210). My pictures must just have good karma. One was also used as the mast photo for a blog (which I fully allow in the Creative Commons licensing).
Mysteries of the Circle
March 23, 2005 by Eric Richardson
Sean's posting about circles now but I need to correct his timeline. LAist made their original post on Sam Woo back in February. Then Jonah, who's a bit behind these days, quoted that on LABlogs just two days ago. Then yesterday at 6:51pm Sean made his great retort post on I followed with my accolade for Sean at 8:01pm. Then, sometime last night, a much quicker Jonah made a post quoting both Sean and my posts, thereby completing the circle. Sean kept the circle going at 7:56am and, well, I guess I'm doing the same right now a little before 9am. Whew.
But explain to me this... Originally my stated purpose in this post was going to be to say that I posted before Jonah put the full circle post up on LA Blogs, but then I noticed that LA Blogs doesn't include a time on posts. For the circle post it just says 3/22/05. Finally I got smart and said "Duh, I can just check the RSS." That says the post was made this morning at 5:30am. Which is it? — Continue Reading...
Sean Takes a Subtle Dig at LAist
March 22, 2005 by Eric Richardson
I don't think I've said this lately, but Sean Bonner is a funny guy. Take, for instance, this post on (which quotes from LABlogs, which quoted from LAist, which... oh, wait, that's all...). From the LAist:
"LAist was unsuspectingly whisked off to the wilds of Alhambra the other day for what was promised to be some of the best Chinese food in the city, taken under wing to Sam Woo BBQ by some folks who swear by this hole-in-the wall place for chowing down on some chow mein."
To which Sean replies:
I have say it's damn cool of someone to take everyone who writes for LAist out to eat and just want to put out there if someone is looking for another website full of bloggers to buy dinner for is always interested.
Dude. He just zinged the editorial "we"...
Good on him for also making a pass at how everything's so wonderful and new to the LAist singular collective, no matter how long ago others in the blogosphere caught on.