A Month of Fun With Numbers
March 29, 2005 by Eric Richardson
So far in the month of March my three main sites (this blog, ericrichardson.com, and blogdowntown have served a combined total of 23,884 pages and used 723.86MB of bandwidth. Not a ton, but I can't hope for too much and still serve the site from my living room ceiling. I'm sure the site could be a little snappier on a better connection, but I haven't noticed any peaked bandwidth spikes. And since everything goes through the server, I still have quality of service things I could do to prevent apartment Internet usage from interfering with the web if it comes to that. For now, though, I'm satisfied. — Continue Reading...
LAist Spurns LA News, Looks to Desert for Info
March 29, 2005 by Eric Richardson
It's not that I set out to take issue with LAist, though obviously it does happen. Today "we" look at "their" coverage of Chico State, in the aptly named post, "What's Up at Chico State?."
While everybody else tries to figure out where the severed foot came from, we've got our eyes a little further east. KESQ in Palm Springs reports that Phi Kappa Tau has been suspended at Chico State for participating in a porno film.
Issue number one: Chico State is west of Los Angeles, and really more distinctively quite a bit north. Perhaps "they" are just indirectly looking at Chico through the lens of Palm Springs, but I still find it to be sloppy writing.
Maybe we should worry a little less about the sex and a little more about the violence.
Perhaps if "they" kept up with more traditional news sources, such as the oft-maligned LA Times, LAist would know that the news is doing exactly that.
Good Old Newspaper Typos
March 28, 2005 by Eric Richardson
As proof that newspaper typos aren't just confined to the Daily Trojan, I present this from page 1, front section, of today's Pasadena Star News. In the story on eminent domain we find the following:
From the construction of Pasadena car dealerships, to an ongoing lawsuit over a Temple City office building, eminent domain -- or the threat it -- has been a major tool for economic stimulation in the San Gabriel Valley.
The story led the print version of the paper, running above the fold, front and center. I found the typo while scanning the little bits of paper visible inside the paper boxes waiting for my bus. — Continue Reading...
Freeway Drama
March 26, 2005 by Eric Richardson
I almost forgot to mention that riding the Green Line westbound at about 1:40pm I saw a guy getting arrested on the eastbound 105. His car was stopped in the right lane, and two police cars (didn't see if they were LAPD or CHP) were stopped a short length behind him. The man was out of his car, kneeling on the freeway with his hands up in air. We passed too fast to get a picture, but not too many seconds later we were passed by two more units rushing to the scene.
Hitting South Bay on Bike
March 26, 2005 by Eric Richardson
Even though I had a decent amount of work I probably should have been doing this afternoon, I decided to get a little exercise and head down to the south bay area for a little food and shopping. I first hit-up South Bay Galleria to get some Chick-fil-a, and then went from there up to REI to talk to the bike people. It's a good trip with a little bit of exercise, a little bit of sun, and a good dose of LA's public transit. — Continue Reading...